Our son has recently taken an interest in Leonardo da Vinci. He’s fascinated with this inventor and artist. Who can blame him though? Da Vinci is considered one of the greatest artists of all time!
We also recently watched a Dr. Who episode that had Vincent Van Gogh in it (why yes, we are Whovians!) and now our son is wanting to know more about this second famous artist.
Although I’m sure he’ll be disappointed to learn that Van Gogh DID NOT, in Fact, travel through time and space with a time lord…..
Disclaimer: I received Mixing with the Masters art course in exchange for an honest review. As always all opinions are my own. This post may also contain affiliate links. For more information please read my disclosure and privacy policy.
How can I incorporate Art into my homeschool?
I am so excited to share with all of you a wonderful art program from fellow homeschooler and artist Alisha Gratehouse! Alisha is an amazing wife, mom, home educator, art instructor, author, and bibliophile. You can find her over at her blog alishagratehouse.com. I was thrilled to discover her “Mixing with the Masters” art course in which we are learning about 6 artists and their various eras and movements.
My kids love art! We’ve enjoyed several Chalk Pastel courses over the past year.
As a former art student (yes, I went to an art college!) I want to instill a love of art into my own children, just as I do with books. The “Mixing with the Masters” art course is the perfect fit for us!

“Mixing with the Masters will give you and your kids a FUN, hands-on way to connect with the old masters and some of their most famous works.”
Our son is also easily bored and must have the ability to go at his own pace. Our daughter, on the other hand, is super creative and thrives in an art environment.
The “Mixing with the Masters” art course is taught via videos that you can watch in your own time and adjust to fit your families unique schedule!
Finally, we wanted more in an art course than “fill-in-the-blank” worksheets, coloring pages, or paper crafting. “Mixing with the Masters” is PERFECT!
“Art is a vitally important learning tool in any classroom, whether public or homeschool. Children who create art – sketches, paintings, sculptures, etc. – not only experience the satisfaction of self-expression but also learn to think in new ways.”

In this class your children will be exploring and experimenting with various art forms including:
- Sketching and charcoal drawing
- Acrylic painting techniques, such as Fresco, Chiaroscuro, Impasto, Alla Prima, and Gradient
- Watercolor painting
- Pastel painting
- Wax resist
- Collage art
- And MORE!
Here are a few of the things the children have been working on!

Incorporating Art into our Homeschool: Mixing with the Masters
In addition to 18 different art lessons (3 per artist), plus 6 art challenges, there is also:
- A short biographical on each artist
- Printable PDF study guides
- A weekly student “challenge”
- Printable patterns and templates
- Inspirational quotes by each artist
- Suggested books, videos, and websites for further learning
- Private Facebook group in which to share students works of art

We are just so excited about this art course because of its fun, inspiring, and hands-on approach! If you are looking for a great art course for your child, teen, or even for yourself check out Alisha Gratehouse and her “Mixing with the Masters” art course!

*Click HERE to go to Alisha’s Blog to see more about her “Mixing with the Masters” art course!*
How will you incorporate art into your homeschool?
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That was one of my favorite Dr. Who episodes with the 11th doctor! Off topic, but have you guys also watched the cartoons they created?