My kids have been obsessed with art lately! They are particularly keen to learn more about master artists.
Chalk Pastels makes it easy for children to explore master artists like Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, and O’Keefe while also incorporating simple chalk pastel techniques!
*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement for more information. I received access to the Chalk Pastel Art Techniques Video Art Course at no cost in exchange for a review. A positive review was not required. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only choose to share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other families will enjoy.
Chalk Pastel Techniques and Master Artists Your Kids Will Love
Art has become our rabbit hole of learning this winter. We have been diving deep and wandering off on trails of impressionism, post-impressionism, and color. This means I searched high and low for books, games, and of course art courses all about master artists.
We were thrilled to discover that our beloved You Are An Artist Video Art Lessons had a mini-course that took us through a tour of impressionism all the way to modernism with Chalk Pastels!
Chalk Pastel Art Techniques Video Art Course is super simple! All you need is a piece of copy paper/construction paper and some chalk pastels. Then, sit back and let Nana take your kiddos for a short 10-15 minutes lesson.
Art Techniques with Chalk Pastels Video Art Course
The Art Techniques Mini-Course includes:
- Introduction to Chalk Pastel Techniques
- Impressionism with Monet
- Post-Impressionism with Van Gogh
- Color with O’Keefe
- Modernism with Picasso
Master Artists for Kids
My kids adore following along with “Nana” as she teaches a bit about each master artist and then goes step-by-step over how to recreate Monet’s water lilies, Van Gogh’s Starry Night, O’Keefe’s Hibiscus Flower, and Picasso’s Bouquet of Flowers.
Also, it’s all done with chalk pastels! No messy paint or gesso to clean up! This course was so easy and fun for both kids!
Chalk Art and Books
Of course, after “Nana’s” quick lesson, we then read a couple of books about each artist! My daughter is particularly fond of Monet. Possibly because of his water lilies, and talent as an artist…but also equally possible is because he had a PINK house….
My son, however, loves the works of Van Gogh.
And both children are fascinated with O’Keefe’s use of color!
Our Favorite Children’s Books About Master Artists
The Art Techniques with Chalk Pastels Video Art Course was perfect for my kiddos as they explored the master artists.
The lessons were short and easy. Yet once purchased you will have lifetime access on any device of your choosing! Plus, “Nana” is wonderful at always reminding us that we ARE artists!
Tell me, how will you incorporate art and the master artists into your homeschool?
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[…] pastels they love creating and exploring different techniques and artists. Last year we enjoyed Chalk Pastel Techniques and Master Artists. But You ARE An Artist Chalk Pastels has expanded their Famous Artist series! So, we decided to […]