Welcome to another Week in Review! We’ve had a week full of Books, Hiking and Silly String! We also did impromptu story telling with our homeschool group and we made Apple Butter with our extended family.
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Pink Hair, Don’t Care!
Yes, Aunt Stephanie brought home temporary pink hair spray for one pink loving little girl! Can I just tell you how thrilled our daughter was? She said she looked, “exactly like Pinkie Pie from My Little Ponies!” Well, SURE!
Afterwards our daughter didn’t care to wash her hair…for days! “But it won’t be pink anymore!” she said. Luckily, with Halloween right around the corner, we can grab a can of the pink hair spray just about anywhere.
Our Week in Review
Books, Books, & More Books!
Our little book worms have been reading up a storm this week. I’ve been reading Matilda and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (illustrated edition) aloud in the mornings. Our son, Gabriel, has been reading his Horrible Histories book about the Stone Age this week while I read to our daughter from her Alphabet book about the gnomes Pepper Pot and Pine Cone. She worked on letter C’s this week. We also made a trip to the library. After I paid a $28 fine we checked out a load of books! Several of which we read right away, including: Wild Child, A Seed is Sleepy, For the Love of Autumn, and Autumnblings.
Snakes, Handwriting, & Multiplication
Our son practiced his cursive handwriting daily. I’m impressed that he can write and read the cursive so well! Handwriting Without Tears has been a wonderful program for him! He has been working on his times tables and mastered his 3’s this week. We have been using X-BANDZ. He uses them like flash cards and LOVES them. He can’t wait to get to the 5’s because then they start glowing in the dark. He seems to write and do his math best when his favorite python is with him. Yes, that is a ball python on his cursive book! Whatever works, right?
Our son was pleased to find some Ninjago books to read this week including: The Golden Weapons, and The Titanium Ninja. He was also thrilled to start and finish the 5th audible book in the Wings of Fire series.
We had a blast at our Homeschool group this week. We had a visiting story teller that taught us how to do improvisational story telling.
We went to the park with Aunt Stephanie. She and Jade were just a swing’in and they both looked so happy to be swing’in together! Gabriel ran around so much he had to refuel at the water station. I thought it was hilarious how he was trying to get the water meant for water bottles.
Book Store Pre-Orders
We stopped in at a local book store this week. Seriously, we DO NOT have a book problem…unless you count not having enough, ha! The children each left with a book of their choice and I left with The Chamber of Secrets (illustrated edition) on pre order…SQUEAL!!!! I’m so excited!!! I also ordered Julie Bogart’s A Gracious Space: Fall.
Ranger Led Hike
We had our weekly hike with Ranger Marty at Warrior’s Path State Park. Here our little Nature Fairy is telling Ranger Marty her hypothesis on why the Walnut shells were under the tree.
Fall Gingerbread
We took some inspiration from Mother Nature’s autumn leaves and made gingerbread in the shapes of leaves, acorns, pumpkins, and gingerbread men…of course. They were delicious!
Apple Butter
We spent a day at the camp ground helping our extended family make Apple Butter. It took all day and you could not stop stirring it! Everyone took turns stirring…for hours! It was well worth the work. The apple butter was delicious. We ate it over biscuits and it tasted just like apple pie filling!
Our Week in Review
A Battle of Silly String
We ended our week with an epic battle of silly string in the cow field! The squeals of laughter and excitement filled the valley until all of the string canisters were empty. Totally worth the clean up afterwards!
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