Homeschool math is now easier than ever with Teaching Textbooks! No longer do homeschool parents need to fear math or worry that they don’t know enough to teach their child. Teaching Textbooks does it all for you in an engaging and effective way. Leaving you free to focus on other subjects! Here is a look at how we are using this math resource in our homeschool.
*Disclosure: I received access to Teaching Textbooks 4.0 for free. I was compensated for my time. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only choose to share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other families will enjoy and benefit from.
How to Choose a Math Curriculum
Earlier in the school year we found that my son’s math needs were not being met. We’ve used a combination of Khan Academy, and CTC Math in the past with great results. But this year they just were not cutting it.
I heard from a friend that Teaching Textbooks offered a FREE trial of the first 15 lessons of any level. I wasn’t sold on the idea of Teaching Textbooks yet, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to pay for a program that didn’t fit the needs of my son. But I figured that with a free trial I didn’t have anything to lose.
So, to make sure that this math curriculum would work for my son we decided to do a little experiment.
We signed up for the free trial of Teaching Textbooks, and CTC Math so we could compare them with Khan Academy. I looked for the same lessons from all three programs. For example, we tried the lessons on decimals from these resources so that my son and myself could compare and contrast the different methods used.
Why had I never thought to do this before?
It was brilliant!
We did a handful of lessons from each program before settling on Teaching Textbooks being the best math curriculum for our needs. I happily paid for Math7 3.0 without knowing the best was yet to come
Seriously, if you’ve never compared resources like this, you should. It’s one thing to sample a free trial. It’s very eye-opening to sample the same types of lessons from several different resources at the same time. The reason being is that what works for one family or child may not work for another. That’s ok. Find what works!
And I’m thrilled to say that Teaching Textbooks is working!
Why We Love Teaching Textbooks
Teaching Textbooks is a complete computer-based math curriculum that begins in the third grade and goes through Pre-Calculus. So, what benefits did we see using Teaching Textbooks?
- Independent Work – Having my son do his work independently is a huge time saver for me. It also helps build his self-esteem and confidence.
- Audio Lectures – My son’s comprehension is much better with audio lectures. This is also true for many children with dyslexia.
- Automated Grading – Teaching Textbooks corrects each problem and provides immediate feedback. This is super helpful for busy homeschool moms who may be in the middle of another subject with a different sibling. It’s effective and efficient for my son to get feedback while the problem is still fresh in his mind.
- Review – As much as my son may dislike review, he NEEDS it. And he needs it regularly. Not in two weeks after he’s forgotten what he’s learned. He needs consistent review and Teaching Textbooks provides that spiral approach!
- Short Lessons – which means that slower students don’t get bogged down and bright students don’t get bored.
- FREE TUTORING – Yes, you read that correctly! One-on-one tutoring is a final (if necessary) “backstop” for struggling students and part of Teaching Textbooks guarantee to take the entire burden of math off parents’ shoulders. When my son spent an hour on the phone with one of the Teaching Textbooks tutors and came away from that call with more clarity and understanding about his lesson, I knew I had chosen the best math curriculum.
Homeschool Math is Easy with Teaching Textbooks
This computer-based math curriculum includes several interactive practice problems at the beginning of each lesson. Students type their answers into the program and receive immediate feedback.
If they get the problem wrong, they get another chance to answer correctly. If their next answer is still incorrect then they can choose to watch how to do the problem correctly.
Lessons include the audio lecture and 5-6 practice problems followed by 18-25 more practice and review problems.
The grade book keeps a record of how many practice problems, lessons, and quizzes your child has completed as well as the grades achieved.
Teaching Textbooks 4.0
So what did I mean before about the best was yet to come? Teaching Textbooks 4.0!
The new 4.0 Teaching Textbooks version is specifically designed for a large range of mobile devices, such as Android and iOS tablets. Now that’s exciting! I was so happy to get my hands on the 4.0 version! I no longer have to give up my laptop for my son’s math lessons AND we can get math done in the car or while out and about! We are no longer tied down by our Wi-fi!
I downloaded the app directly onto my son’s iPad from the App Store, and he was good to go. He has his own login as do I. Everything that was previously on my computer as far as his eBook, gradebook, and lessons are now on his tablet and easily accessible!
The App is awesome because when my son logs in, it automatically downloads a couple of lessons that he can do offline!
Want to do your math lesson in the treehouse?
Sure! Go right ahead!
Homeschool Math is Easy with Teaching Textbooks
Teaching Textbooks has been super beneficial in our homeschool. It has provided consistent math instruction for my son this year with plenty of the review he needs. The FREE tutoring by phone was a tremendous support when my son got bogged down and stuck in his lessons.
And now the NEW Teaching Textbooks 4.0 has helped free up this busy mom’s time and laptop because math lessons are mobile on my son’s tablet with the Teaching Textbooks 4.0 App!
I love that I can focus on other aspects of my children’s education because Teaching Textbooks has taken math off my shoulders. And for that, I am forever grateful.
If your math curriculum is no longer working or you are looking for something new. Then check out the Teaching Textbooks FREE trial. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
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