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This week was full and I found that I lost track of time quite a bit. Of course, I never mind losing track when we are out in nature. We hiked some familiar trails this week and one new one.
Gabriel received his Tinker Crate subscription box this week and boy, did he have fun learning about Polymers! He made slime, putty and a bouncy ball. My son adores these subscription boxes.
My son also received his Groovy Lab in a Box! This box was jam packed with everything to do with electricity and circuits. We made a “magic wand” that could lift pepper off of the table and a circuit board that lit up Einsteins eyes. We are only half way through with this box so we will see what more will be made next week.
Gabriel also made a geode from the Crystal Growing Kit he had gotten for his birthday. It didn’t turn out the color he wanted so we will be trying again next week.
Taekwondo was a blast this week. There was even a pajama day that the kids enjoyed. Gabriel represented with his Star Wars “jammies.”
Speaking of Ninjas…it appears that we have a couple of “Pantry Ninjas” in our house! Nothing is safe.
We had friends over to play a couple of times and even had a sleepover. I’m sorry to say that Gabriel’s giant Lego structure was demolished during said sleep over. I was heartbroken, but Gabriel was totally cool with it. Destroing it was part of the pretend play that was going on. Now, he says he will rebuild it better than ever.
Jade had loads of fun with her best buddy too.
There was quite bit of dress up going on this week. My particular favorite was when we were walking down the street with me yelling, “Make way for princess Jade! Make way for the princess!” because my daughter had her blankie wrapped around her neck like a princess cape.
Her new favorite activities include brushing mommas hair and “counting” chocolate chips like her big brother. Dominoes are big fun too, although sometimes they come with attitude!
Gabriel enjoyed counting chocolate chips. He wanted me to give him double digit addition problems this week with the chocolate chips as aids. Alrighty Sir! We finished Life of Fred: Dogs, so, per Gabriel, I’ll be ordering the next one after we get back from vacation. We are about half way through “The Two Towers” by J.R.R. Tolkien on Audible, and we are still reading “Goblins” at bedtime.
I took Gabriel to the book store on Saturday. We both drooled over the Dr. Who display of games. Christmas is only five months away you know! Then my son had to talk to himself for 10 minutes on the benefits of spending his allowance on a book verses a Lego. I just stood there patiently and smiled at the strangers who looked at us funny. Hey, it’s a big decision for an eight year old….he chose the Lego.
We had loads of fun at the playground.
This sibling moment was hilarious!
Then the kids “tortured” their Papa by jumping off the bench at him repeatedly, causing him to catch them and then throw them up into the air and then finally catching them and setting them safely back on the ground. They were really good about taking turns, but poor Papa was exhausted by the end.
We ended our week on a family hike along the Chattahoochee river. We saw geese, butterflies, centipedes, and even a snake. I love being out in nature with my family.
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