I sit here in the early morning hours, alone, sipping my coffee. All of my favorite mugs are packed away. Wrapped carefully and put into boxes. As is the rest of our belongings. A whirlwind of happenings and I feel I am only just now catching my breath.
Stepping out on faith we are relocating. With only a few days notice my husband and I are moving our family to Tennessee. So many emotions have swirled around this move. So many thoughts and fears in such a short time. I do not worry. As my grandmother used to say, “Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t take you anywhere.” So, I will sip my coffee a few minutes more….before the hustle and bustle of the big move begins. I will sip my coffee and I will think about our love, our family, and our faith.
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