The Winter Solstice is upon us! Also known as the shortest day and longest night of the year, the winter solstice usually takes place on December 21st or 22nd every year in the Northern Hemisphere. Many cultures around the world celebrate the solstice by holding festivals, and holidays. These celebrations were created to celebrate the return of light, and the joy of each day growing longer and … [Read more...] about Winter Solstice Activities & Books
Kids Activities
Swirl Paint Christmas Ornaments
Swirl Paint Christmas Ornaments, also known as pour paint ornaments, are a fun and easy activity for children during the holidays. We have been wanting to make these awesome ornaments for years, but never seemed to make the time during this chaotic and hectic season. This year was to be different. This year we created beautiful swirl paint Christmas ornaments and had a fabulous time in the … [Read more...] about Swirl Paint Christmas Ornaments
Hogwarts Gingerbread Castle
When a little boy has a love of Harry Potter, you find that he wants everything to have a Harry Potter theme. This spills over into Christmas as well! Last year we created a Harry Potter Christmas Tree and a Hogwarts Gingerbread Castle. His Papa and I helped him with some of the harder to make towers and rolling out of the gingerbread, but the majority of the work was done by our 9-year-old son. … [Read more...] about Hogwarts Gingerbread Castle