This post contains affiliate links. I will receive a small compensation if you purchase anything through my links. This is at no cost to you. I only promote items that my family or I have used personally and have enjoyed. This week our three year old, Jade, decided she wanted to do some baking. It must be something about being newly turned three that gives one such independence. … [Read more...] about A Week in the Life of Unschoolers
Kid Fun
A Week in the Life of Unschoolers
We started this week at the Library. There nothing like being surrounded by books to lift one spirits. Our son, Gabriel, made his selection and walked out like a boss. There was a little strut and everything! Following our trip to the Library we proceeded to read all about Corn Snakes, Black Mambas, Rattlesnakes, and King Cobras. Yes, there was a theme. Gabriel may or may … [Read more...] about A Week in the Life of Unschoolers
Our Holiday on the Farm
This week the children and I decided to take a little holiday together. My husband couldn't come because he was needed at work. So the children and I left the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, for a short time, and enjoyed the green pastures and slow pace of my sisters farm. We arrived late in the afternoon and our daughter, Jade, immediately went out and about looking … [Read more...] about Our Holiday on the Farm
A Doctor Who, Paleobiology, and Minecraft Kind of Week
As Unschoolers our children choose what and when they want to learn something. We never force learning because we have found that our children learn better, and are happier when they get to decide what it is they want to learn about. Their love of learning blossomed when we got out of their way and let them take the lead in their education. This post may contain affiliate links. … [Read more...] about A Doctor Who, Paleobiology, and Minecraft Kind of Week
Making Nature Fairies
This week the children and I decided to make nature fairies as a welcome to the coming of fall. We saw a post about making them at Twig and Toadstool and the kids loved the idea. With the first cool nights and the leaves changing colors, this is a great time for collecting items outdoors. First we went on a nature hike and found pine cones, acorns, rocks, sticks and leaves. … [Read more...] about Making Nature Fairies
Our Dinosaur Adventure
Last week my husband and I took our children up to the beautiful state of Tennessee. We were visiting my sister and brother-in-law on their farm for eight days. There were so many memorable adventures that I have made them into separate posts. You can see our first day on the farm here, our hike up Margarette Falls here, and our day at Brights Zoo here. My sister discovered the … [Read more...] about Our Dinosaur Adventure
Our Day at the Chattahoochee Nature Center
On Sunday we took the kids to the Chattahoochee Nature Center. This is a lovely nature center filled with multiple trails, a butterfly garden, and many wildlife animals that have been rescued or in the process of rehabilitation. Once we got the map, our son, Gabriel volunteered to be our map holder and guide. We head out and immediately begin to make our way to the … [Read more...] about Our Day at the Chattahoochee Nature Center
Green Kid Crafts Box
This post contains affiliate links to Green Kid Crafts Box. I will receive a small compensation if you purchase anything through my links. I only promote items that my family or I have used personally and have enjoyed. This week my son received a new subscription box that he has wanted to try out. The Green Kid Crafts Box is a Science/Stem/Craft subscription for children ages 6-10 … [Read more...] about Green Kid Crafts Box
Week in the Life of Unschoolers
This post contains affiliate links. I will receive a small compensation if you purchase anything through my links. I only promote items that my family or I have used personally and have enjoyed. Our Monday began with Sensory play involving beans! Jade loves her sensory bins, though the beans usually make their way out of the container and onto the floor. We also enjoyed several games of … [Read more...] about Week in the Life of Unschoolers
A Week in the Life of Unschoolers
This post contains affiliate links. I will receive a small compensation if you purchase anything through my links. I only promote items that my family or I have used personally and have enjoyed. Our Monday began out in Nature! We hiked the trail around our home in the am. We found a Praying Mantis egg sack in the middle of the trail. Gabriel also discovered a frog but he hopped into … [Read more...] about A Week in the Life of Unschoolers