We started this week at the Library. There nothing like being surrounded by books to lift one spirits. Our son, Gabriel, made his selection and walked out like a boss. There was a little strut and everything! Following our trip to the Library we proceeded to read all about Corn Snakes, Black Mambas, Rattlesnakes, and King Cobras. Yes, there was a theme. Gabriel may or may … [Read more...] about A Week in the Life of Unschoolers
An Autumn Walk
The temperatures have begun to drop and the leaves have begun to change. With these changes the children and I thought we would respond to autumn's call with a little walk in our neighborhood. We were surprised to find pink Camellias in bloom. Our daughter, Jade, found an interesting fungus on an old wooden stump. The children found an abundance of Acorns and Holly Berries. The sweet … [Read more...] about An Autumn Walk
A Hard Week
It has been a pretty hard week for us as a family and for me personally. Our regular readers know that our daughter, Jade, has been fighting a virus for a few weeks now. We had gone to Urgent Care last week. We were told we were doing everything right, but to keep an eye on her ears. They feared that she may develop an ear infection. This week we went in to see her … [Read more...] about A Hard Week
A Week in the Life of Unschoolers
This post contains affiliate links. I will receive a small compensation if you purchase anything through my links. I only promote items that my family or I have used personally and have enjoyed. This week began our in depth study of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone...per our son, Gabriel's request. My sister, who came down to visit the previous week, made Hogwarts robes for the … [Read more...] about A Week in the Life of Unschoolers
Ripley’s Aquarium
While on our holiday in Tennessee my two sisters and I made a trip to Gatlinburg. We were going to Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies with the children. I wasn't sure if our daughter, Jade, was old enough to really enjoy it. When we got there she excitedly showed us the fossil marks in the walkway, I knew she was going to have fun. Fair warning....I took loads of pictures, but aquariums … [Read more...] about Ripley’s Aquarium
A Week in the Life of Unschoolers
Another full week has gone by. We had family visiting for most of it and the children loved having visitors. My sister and brother-in-law came from their farm in Tennessee to hang with us here in Georgia. We loved having them. The kids adored the epic battles at the playground in the rain with Uncle Joe. Just because we had guest didn't mean that our son, Gabriel, … [Read more...] about A Week in the Life of Unschoolers
Our Holiday on the Farm
This week the children and I decided to take a little holiday together. My husband couldn't come because he was needed at work. So the children and I left the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, for a short time, and enjoyed the green pastures and slow pace of my sisters farm. We arrived late in the afternoon and our daughter, Jade, immediately went out and about looking … [Read more...] about Our Holiday on the Farm
A Doctor Who, Paleobiology, and Minecraft Kind of Week
As Unschoolers our children choose what and when they want to learn something. We never force learning because we have found that our children learn better, and are happier when they get to decide what it is they want to learn about. Their love of learning blossomed when we got out of their way and let them take the lead in their education. This post may contain affiliate links. … [Read more...] about A Doctor Who, Paleobiology, and Minecraft Kind of Week
Making Nature Fairies
This week the children and I decided to make nature fairies as a welcome to the coming of fall. We saw a post about making them at Twig and Toadstool and the kids loved the idea. With the first cool nights and the leaves changing colors, this is a great time for collecting items outdoors. First we went on a nature hike and found pine cones, acorns, rocks, sticks and leaves. … [Read more...] about Making Nature Fairies
Harry Potter Day Activities for Kids
On Friday morning our son, Gabriel, woke up and proclaimed the day to be Harry Potter Day. Now, internationally, "Harry Potter Day" is on May 2nd, but in our home it was September 4th. Gabriel declared that we could only do Harry Potter themed crafts, experiments, movies, books, etc. Normally we don't do "themed crafts." Can you imagine my mad dash for Pinterest? Thank goodness I found a … [Read more...] about Harry Potter Day Activities for Kids