Welcome to another Week in Review. This is where I catch you up on all the goings on here at Nourishing My Scholar. This week has felt a bit out of sorts actually, because our natural rhythm has been disrupted by dental visits for the children and a veterinarian visit for one of our fur babies. I must say that I find books like A Gracious Space, especially helpful in weeks like this when this homeschooling mamma needs a bit of extra encouragement. Which reminds me, we’ve read a load of books this week!
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Our Week in Review
Did you see our review of Brave Writer last week? In it I explained how Becoming A Family of Brave Writers has helped our son with getting his ideas out of his head and onto paper. Well, another aspect of Brave Writer is Poetry Tea Time! We typically don’t have a set day for tea time because I like to pull it out whenever it’s needed. This week it was needed on Monday. That’s right, our Monday morning started out a bit rough. The kids were cranky from having stayed up past their bed times the night before and I needed something to ease us into the week. So, I made hot chocolate for the kids while they collected the books of their choice which included: Aesop’s Fables, Robert Frost, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Autumnblings, and 5000 Amazing Facts! Afterwards our son did a bit of cursive copy work (which he LOVES)!
Tuesday our son worked through a chapter of Beast Academy. He really enjoys the comic book style of these math books. He also did some copy work out of his Lego Nexo Knights book. While he was writing our daughter and I read another chapter in her book The Alphabet and we read Love Mouserella, and Partners. Then we read aloud Gifts of the Heart, Under A Pig Tree, The Alphabet Soup, Rechenka’s Eggs, and Tikvah Means Hope.
Our Week in Review
Thursday found us at the dentist for the kids 6 month checkup. There were never ending questions about Every. Single. Instrument. The kids did really well, though, someone has 3 cavities so we will be back in 2 weeks to have those filled. We even read a book called Make Way for Tooth Decay which the kids loved! They spent the rest of the afternoon reading about LEGO’s and listening to skip counting songs on You Tube before heading out to our homeschool play group and State Park Ranger talk.
The kids played at the Narnia playground for 2 hours before heading to our Ranger talk about horses. We got to meet Miss Bea and learn all sorts of interesting facts about horses and how they are used in law enforcement.

Because one can never have to many books….we picked up some new ones this week: The Fire Within, Wonder, A Series of Unfortunate Events (Books 2, 3, 4), Otto Runs for President, Spaghetti and Meatballs for All, The Secrets to Ruling School, Math Curse and The Grapes of Math! Our son was so excited that he dove right into The Fire Within.
Friday we found ourselves at the veterinarian as our fur baby, Satine, was having an allergic reaction to something. We sat in the waiting room for an hour and a half. The kids were really great considering how long we waited. They made up games with each other to pass the time. Once the vet saw us we were in and out within 15 minutes and our fluffy sweetheart is now doing much better. By the time we got back home it was lunch time. Our son decided that he wanted to spend the rest of the day working on the book he is writing “Talons of Doom” and coming up with illustrations for it. Our daughter just wanted to color and play outside.
Saturday we surprised the children with horseback riding at the foot of the mountains! They LOVED it! This was the perfect way to get some family time while also making memories with an awesome experience. The horses were so sweet and gentle that our son is convinced that we need a horse of our own, HA! Our daughter took her love of horses to the next level. Now she’s obsessed. She even sang to them while on the trail. It was adorable and an awesome way to end our week.
As you can see, we read a load of books this week, far more than our normal. Yet I find that when our day or week or month is a bit off, we turn to books and nature. These are our family’s go to and first line of defense when the crummies threaten to steal our homeschool joy. A bit of hot chocolate and some muffins never hurt either!
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