High School is looming, so my son and I are planning how he wants his 9th-grade year to look. Here are the resources he and I have chosen for his multi-sensory high school.

My son enjoys and retains more information learning via video, books, worksheets, and a few hands-on activities here and there while still following his interests. I admit that at first, the idea of homeschooling high school seemed scary. After all, there are transcripts, dual enrollment, college applications, and a slew of other things to consider. My son isn’t sure what he wants to do when he graduates. Of course, that isn’t a big deal. Many high schoolers have no idea what they want to do when they graduate.
So, the most important thing to me is making sure my son is getting the education he wants. He may want to go to college for Psychology. That means we are looking at colleges and their entrance requirements to ensure he is prepared and will have the credits he needs.
Did you know that while sitting at the table with all our papers we were texting with a college admin about admission requirements? That was a surreal moment! But my son wanted to know what to expect.
Then again, he may change his mind and decide on a trade school or choose employment after graduation. Those are more than fine too. The important thing is to keep the lines of communication open and pivot when needed.

Our 9th Grade Plan for Multi-Sensory Learning
We are viewing high school as a whole. What are the requirements for graduation? I’ve even got a list of course titles to choose from. Then, we are breaking it down into 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. How many and what type of credits does he need each year? Afterward, we look at each subject by month and week.
We’ve talked about the different subjects and his interests, considering how he learns best. We’ve decided on the main focus credits this year and picked out electives. I’ve looked through our own resources and decided which resources I need to buy or get from the library.
So here is our overall homeschool plan for the year.

9th Grade Language Arts
The Society of Literary Adventures encompasses reading great books, grammar, spelling, copy work, vocabulary, writing projects, rabbit trails of learning, and magic dust to keep it all fun for my high schooler. My son has his eyes on Mary Shelley, J. R. R. Tolkien, and George Orwell, to name a few. He’ll read a new book each month and end the month with a celebration of that book!
In this way, he’ll earn a full high school level English credit.

High School Science
Wondrium – Biology: The Science of Life – My son loves Wondrium as it offers college-style video lectures on various subjects by professors who are experts in their fields. We discovered this unique learning resource several years ago when it was called Great Courses and my son continues to enjoy it.
Crash Course Biology Videos – these fast-paced videos add a little bit extra to the learning experience. Plus, they’re fun!
Teacher Pay Teachers: Crash Course Biology Worksheets
Holt McDougal Biology Textbook
We plan on doing labs each week to coincide with each week’s subject. I’ll order those from Home Science Tools a few weeks before I need them.
High School Math
Mr. D Algebra 1 – We made the switch to Mr. D Pre-Algebra mid-year and haven’t looked back since. Mr. D works very well for my son as it’s a self-paced video course.
High School Social Studies
My son loves Social Studies and will probably go heavy with them throughout his high school career. That’s one of the beauties of homeschooling. Catering his education to his interests which involve history, geography, and psychology.
Wondrium – Introduction to Psychology
Crash Course Psychology Videos
Teachers Pay Teachers: Crash Course Worksheets
Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests, and More!
Combing the videos, with the worksheets, and books helps create the multi-sensory high school experience my son is looking for.
My son is also wanting to take an Ancient History course using similar resources along with Art in History Kits.
9th Grade Electives
You ARE AN Artist Art Clubhouse – My son requested the multi-sensory high school learning of chalk pastels and the study of the famous artists for his 9th-grade year, so we are using You ARE An Artist Art Appreciation Grade 6 and all of the membership clubhouse I Drew It Then I Knew It series to explore science, history, and more!
Driver Training – My son will be studying for his driving permit.
Taekwondo – My son will continue taking Taekwondo four nights per week. His goal is to earn his black belt and eventually apprentice at his Taekwondo school. He’s on track to earn his black belt in two more years!
Guitar – Music continues to bring the creativity out in my son. He loves to compose songs from favorite games and movies with his teacher. He takes lessons each week with homework daily.

Multi-Sensory High School
I am letting go of my fear of homeschooling high school and trusting my son’s interests and my instincts to help facilitate his education. After all, I’ve homeschooled him this far! Homeschooling high school is a bit different, there is more planning involved, but that doesn’t mean that we have to give up on our interest-led learning. A multi-sensory high school that follows my son’s passions is possible and that’s the path we’re following.
So tell me, have you homeschooled high school? What is your best advice?
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