Sometimes Homeschool looks like playing chess, outside at the local nature preserve...with river rocks. Other times it looks like a 4 hour class on bird identification, bird calls and bird crafts. At least that's what Homeschool looked like on March 27th. What Homeschool Looks Like … [Read more...] about What Homeschool Looks Like
What Homeschool Looks Like, A Compassion Experience
Last week I asked my son if he would like to go to the "Compassion Experience." I told him it was a way for him to experience how children in other countries live in poverty. It is approved for all ages and he was very interested. Compassion Experience The experience took us through the lives of three different children in the developing countries of India, Bolivia, and Uganda. It was a very … [Read more...] about What Homeschool Looks Like, A Compassion Experience
What Homeschool Looks Like
This post is a part of the What Homeschooling Looks Like series over at Our Life At Home. What Homeschool Looks Like Last week we went on a Ranger led Hike through the Johns Creek Enviromental Campus/Recreational Park with about 50 other homeschoolers in raining 42 degree weather. It was about an hour and a half long. We learned about Poison Ivy, the Water Filtration Cycle through the forest, … [Read more...] about What Homeschool Looks Like
When your homeschool plans go the way of the dinosaurs
A St. Patrick's Day that didn't go as planned. Today is St. Patrick's Day and as such I thought my son Gabriel might like to learn about Ireland. We are interest led homeschoolers. I let our son choose what he wants to learn. I may make suggestions on something I think he will enjoy learning but most days it is completely up to him. On this particular day, I thought that with all of his friends … [Read more...] about When your homeschool plans go the way of the dinosaurs
What Homeschool Looks Like
This post is a part of the What Homeschool Looks Like series over at Our Life At Home. I chose this photo of my son as we were leaving the library this week. The library is such a magical place for us. The whole world is at our fingertips. I have a strict policy when I take my son to the library.....He chooses what he wants to read, always. I never make him pick a book. I may give him … [Read more...] about What Homeschool Looks Like
Taekwondo Kid
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that combines combat and self-defense techniques. In Korean, tae means "to stomp" or "to break with the foot"; kwon means "to strike or break with fist"; and do means "way of life." So, loosely translated, Taekwondo means "the way of the foot and hand." Taekwondo Kid My husband and I started looking into martial arts for our son, Gabriel, back in September. … [Read more...] about Taekwondo Kid
What Homeschool Looks Like
This post is a part of the What Homeschool Looks Like series over at Our Life at Home. This weeks theme is Mess. Notice the Play-Doh pieces all over the table as Gabriel is coloring his Dire Wolf....Yep, evidence that my toddler has been here. Gabriel is graciously working around it until I get the mess cleaned up. … [Read more...] about What Homeschool Looks Like
Snow Day!
We had our first little snow was less than an inch really. Not a big deal except the children thought it was the greatest thing to ever happen. Gabriel woke up and came rushing into my bedroom, "Mama, Mama! There's snow! It's Beautiful! Come See!" As I struggled to wake up I heard him singing in the living room, " See the Beautiful snow. See the Beautiful snow." Snow Day After … [Read more...] about Snow Day!
What Homeschool Looks Like
This post is part of the What Homeschool Looks Like series over at Our Life At Home. Jade is always moving. After running, jumping, and throwing snowballs in our first snow of the year, my daughter tumbled face first into a mud puddle. She didn't skip a beat and kept on running around the playground with her brother. … [Read more...] about What Homeschool Looks Like
Our Week in Pictures Feb. 14th-21st
My sister and brother-in-law decided they they wanted to spend their vacation with us this past week of February. We are always delighted to have them. We always have the best fun together. They live in the mountains of Tennessee and we go to their farm several times a year. Likewise, they come to Georgia to see us. The day my sister and brother-in-law arrived, it was Valentines Day. Gabriel … [Read more...] about Our Week in Pictures Feb. 14th-21st