Are you doing any Christmas baking and making memories this year? Every year I set aside time for the children and I to do some Christmas baking. Sometimes that means that another activity must fall by the wayside. We all enjoy our Christmas cookies far too much to skip this family tradition. It has brought us joy for many years. Not to mention all of the lovely memories we've made. So, … [Read more...] about Christmas Baking and Making Memories
Hogwarts Gingerbread Castle
When a little boy has a love of Harry Potter, you find that he wants everything to have a Harry Potter theme. This spills over into Christmas as well! Last year we created a Harry Potter Christmas Tree and a Hogwarts Gingerbread Castle. His Papa and I helped him with some of the harder to make towers and rolling out of the gingerbread, but the majority of the work was done by our 9-year-old son. … [Read more...] about Hogwarts Gingerbread Castle
Birthday Celebrations For A Princess
Another year has come and gone. Our little girl is turning FOUR! Wow, how the time flies. This week as her birthday approached, I have really tried to slow down and savor the moments with her. There is a quote from Peter Pan that says, "Little boys should never be sent to bed, they always wake up a day older..." Well, in this case it's our little girl and she's getting older … [Read more...] about Birthday Celebrations For A Princess
Our Week in Review: Including Catching Fireflies and a Birthday Celebration
The days have lengthened and we have finally left behind the coolness of spring. What do you do to celebrate the return of summer? Catch Fireflies and drink Root-beer Floats of course! This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement for more information. We waited until twilight to make our yummy ice cream and root-beer floats. Since we planned … [Read more...] about Our Week in Review: Including Catching Fireflies and a Birthday Celebration
A Week in the Life of Unschoolers!
This post contains affiliate links. I will receive a small compensation if you purchase anything through my links. This is at no cost to you. I only promote items that my family or I have used personally and have enjoyed. Welcome to another week in the life of unschoolers. I promise our week did not solely consist of reading, but.... a large part of it did. Between our A-Book-A-Day … [Read more...] about A Week in the Life of Unschoolers!
Harry Potter Christmas Tree
This Christmas we wanted to do something really special and maybe start a new tradition. I give you...the Harry Potter Christmas Tree! We are big fans of Harry Potter. We've read all of the books and have watched all of the movies. Our son, Gabriel actually dressed up as Harry Potter for Halloween this year. We have even made a Hogwarts Gingerbread Castle! So, it wasn't much of a stretch for us … [Read more...] about Harry Potter Christmas Tree
A New Tradition
Our normal Christmas tradition involves putting up a fake tree and calling it a day. Nothing terribly special. No pomp, no zing. This year, I wanted our Christmas to be different. I wanted to start a few new traditions. My husband and I discussed it and we both agreed that this year would be different. We started a new tradition this year by going and letting the kids pick out a live … [Read more...] about A New Tradition
A Week in the Life of Unschoolers!
This post contains affiliate links. I will receive a small compensation if you purchase anything through my links. This is at no cost to you. I only promote items that my family or I have used personally and have enjoyed. Such a busy week and it has flown by. With Thanksgiving upon us some of our normal routines have been altered. The beauty of homeschooling and unschooling is that … [Read more...] about A Week in the Life of Unschoolers!
Our A-Book-A-Day Advent Calendar
In years past our kids haven't really bothered much with Advents or the countdowns to Christmas. I've tried several but they never gathered much steam as the month of December counted down. This year, however, is totally different. Since Halloween night there has been a ceaseless question. This question pops up several times per day. I've been scratching my head wondering why the … [Read more...] about Our A-Book-A-Day Advent Calendar
A Very Frozen Birthday
This week our daughter, Jade, turned 3 years old. If you happen to know where all that time went, please let me know, because I haven't a clue. It seems only yesterday that she was a newborn in my arms. But there you have it, our littlest blessing is growing up. So, we planned to have her a little party. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement for … [Read more...] about A Very Frozen Birthday