Marie Curie is considered one of the greatest female scientists of all time. With her birthday coming up on November 7th, and my sons love of all things science, I felt a post dedicated to kids' books about Marie Curie, and to inspiring little scientist everywhere was needed. I mean, it's not every day that someone wins the Nobel prize, or that someone wins the Nobel prize twice and in two … [Read more...] about Kids Books about Marie Curie to Inspire Your Little Scientist
A Picture Book About Shark Science
Are your children obsessed with sharks? These apex predators are a diverse and varied group. My son has had an intense fascination with shark science for years! If your kid loves sharks, then you'll want to read the new picture book about how to survive as a shark to them. Also, this book MUST be read aloud in a Pirate voice... You know like, "Yo-ho-ho" and "ARRR Me Mateys!" I'm pretty … [Read more...] about A Picture Book About Shark Science
Pumpkin Painting & Halloween Picture Books
We paint pumpkins every year. It's the perfect Halloween or fall activity. Especially for children who do not have the strength, dexterity, coordination, or are not yet old enough for carving pumpkins. This year was no different although I did read aloud to the children from a new selection of Halloween books while they painted. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my … [Read more...] about Pumpkin Painting & Halloween Picture Books
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Books & Activities
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a favorite in our home. We read it every year at Halloween and our kids never seem to tire of it. This year I decided to do a bit more than read the original classic by Washington Irving. This year I wanted to add in a few activities to go along this famous folktale. My kids love reading books that coincide with the seasons and holidays. … [Read more...] about The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Books & Activities
A Picture Book About Temple Grandin
Are your children obsessed with science? Do your kiddos love reading books about amazing scientists? Perhaps your child has at one time felt different or that they didn't fit in? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you'll want to read the new picture book about Dr. Temple Grandin to your kids! I am so excited to share this new children's picture book with you! My kid's love … [Read more...] about A Picture Book About Temple Grandin
70 Favorite Audio Books For Kids
Do your kids like audio books? Did you know that audio books offer many educational benefits and make a wonderful learning tool? Our family is hooked on audio books. This has been a love affair that has spanned across many years. Ever since my oldest child, now 10, listened to The Hobbit when he was 4 years old he has loved audio books. What followed was The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, White … [Read more...] about 70 Favorite Audio Books For Kids
20 Creepy Crawly Snake Books
When we were checking out books at the library this past weekend, the librarian commented about how our son must love snakes....he does, but the stack of snake books were actually the books our four-year-old daughter had picked out! Whether you love snakes or fear them, you have to agree that snakes are fascinating creatures. From being legless to being able to taste the air with their forked … [Read more...] about 20 Creepy Crawly Snake Books
When Children Choose Math Books
My kids asked for math books this week. Seriously! Earlier in the week, at the library, I asked my son if he was looking for anything in particular. He responded that he wanted all the Sir Cumference books, Bedtime Math books, and any similar math books. Really? I mean...OK, sure! I'm not gonna lie. This mamma's heart did a back flip. When Children Choose Math Books Isn't it amazing how much … [Read more...] about When Children Choose Math Books
Summer Reading for the Homeschool Mom
Summer is the perfect time to catch up on my reading! For those of you wondering what eclectic mix of books, and trust me it is eclectic, this mama is perusing, here is my summer reading list. Also, I love that many of these are available as audio because let's face it...mama doesn't always get the luxury of sitting down with a good book. Sometimes she has laundry to fold, dishes to wash, or a … [Read more...] about Summer Reading for the Homeschool Mom
16 Ocean and Sea Creature Books Your Kids will Love
Does your kiddo love to read ocean and sea creature books? Are they obsessed with the deep sea and all the inhabitants therein? Here are 16 of our favorite kid's books all about the ocean and the animals that live there! Summer is on the horizon and that means many families are preparing for vacations! More specifically many families, like us, will be making their way to the beach for fun in … [Read more...] about 16 Ocean and Sea Creature Books Your Kids will Love