Create that special moment of quiet just before sleep with these quality bedtime stories for kids that take just 5 minutes to read! Your children will love these delightful short stories that are delivered straight to your inbox by 6 pm each school night! It’s easy! Plus, they’re FREE!

*Disclosure: I was asked for an honest review of Story Tyke. I was compensated for my time. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only choose to share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other families will enjoy and benefit from.
Bedtime is a time to bond with your little ones. We’ve always had a cozy nighttime routine that includes reading stories. We love reading and have ongoing read alouds in our homeschool.
Reading is a major component in our family and in our homeschool. I love providing new and interesting books and stories for my children to feast their hungry minds upon.
But sometimes my daughter doesn’t want to hear the same stories over and over again at bedtime. Or she is bored with the library books we’ve read 52 times. Other times we haven’t been able to make it to the library for a new hoard of books.
That’s why I was thrilled to discover Story Tyke!

Why I’m Loving Story Tyke
Story Tyke is a FREE bedtime story subscription for parents with children ages 4-8. It’s super easy to sign up. All you do is subscribe and you’ll start receiving a new story within 24-48 hours! Every story gets delivered by 6 pm on school nights! You can read these stories straight from your phone OR print them out beforehand if you have a no electronics at bedtime policy.
You can also work these delightful stories into your homeschool day or homeschool morning basket if you feel so inclined.
We’ve done all three!
The best part is how it saves me time! I’m not looking all over the house for a book that two days later I find stashed under the couch or trying to think up a story on the fly, because a new bedtime story is waiting in my inbox! Plus, they only take 5 minutes to read!
Folks, this is such a great concept and so easy!
My daughter was hooked with her first story titled A Bear, A Tent, and Three Oatmeal Bowls!
Of course, it’s more fun when you do the voices. You should hear my Jerry the Gerbil voice! My daughter laughed and laughed as I tried to make my voice squeakier and squeakier.
Because a Gerbil should have a squeaky voice!
FYI: I also do a fantastic Mountain Troll voice because I’ve had lots of practice reading The Hobbit aloud.

An Overview of Story Tyke Bedtime Stories
We have gotten a really nice mix of stories and my daughter has enjoyed all of them! The Story Tyke stories consist of:
- Educational stories like the one we received about the hatching baby chicks! She learned about a chick’s egg tooth and how they must push themselves out of the egg without help.
- Customized stories where you can insert your children’s names to make the story more charming. My daughter loved when I used her name in one of the stories about a zebra!
- Original stories that are creative and entertaining!
- Traditional twists (think Fruity and the Beast instead of Beauty and the Beast)
Story tips are included with each story. These are just simple prompts, ideas, or facts related to the story that can make the story a little more interactive and engaging!

Reading aloud to children at bedtime is proven to increase bonding time, imagination, creativity, memory recall, and literacy skills. I’ve found my daughter with the printed stories under her covers with a flashlight reliving the joy and silliness of the stories we’ve shared.
So far, her favorites have included a lost gerbil, a zebra with her name, a Genie adventure on Mars, and a dragon that breathed frost!
I’ve also enjoyed this special bonding time for just us two.

FREE Bedtime Stories
Story Tykes is an easy and fantastic way to include new and original stories into your bedtime routine or into your homeschool. Give these unique, quality stories a try. I promise you won’t be sorry. Sign up for Story Tykes FREE subscription today and get reading. You’ve got nothing to lose!
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