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Another week has come and gone. The Winter Solstice is fast approaching and so is Christmas. The weather has been unseasonably warm so we spent most of our days outside. But first… I was told that we needed face paint. I thought about it and you know…some days are just face paint kind of days! If you want to give your children a little bit or a lot of face painting freedom try this Certified Organic Face Paint. Our son, Gabriel, applied his face paint with a small paint brush.
Nature called to us daily. We discovered some truly wonderful treasures out on the trails. The grass plumes seemed to wave to us in the wind while the scotch brooms were confused about the seasons. They seemed to think it was spring though it is only the beginning of winter.
Inside we built structures from mini marshmallows and toothpicks.
We opened our Advent Book each day. Our daughter, Jade was particularly fond of The Twelve Days of Christmas. I think it’s because I sing it instead of reading it! The pictures in this book are truly wonderful.
The children were in the kitchen making Red Velvet Cupcakes together. I even showed them how to make homemade cream cheese frosting. The cupcakes turned out quite lovely and the kids learned about chemical reactions in baking…the buttermilk and lactose reaction.
Jade made a cherry pie for everyone. She had the best time with the dough and was very serious about her baking. I love watching her when she is in the kitchen. She is learning so much and is so proud of her accomplishments. The pie was a hit both with us and our neighbors.
We took Gabriel to see the new Star Wars movie that came out in theaters. This boy was so excited and loved every minute of it.
Oh, did I tell you? Gabriel’s Mystery Amaryllis bloomed! Hello you red and white striped beauty!
Our Christmas Tree Crystals are getting bigger and bigger. We are in agreement that they are now resembling white cauliflower.
Finally, we had a bit of art each morning. While Gabriel prefers markers, Jade LOVES paint. I love seeing them express their artistic creative freedom.
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