Our normal Christmas tradition involves putting up a fake tree and calling it a day. Nothing terribly special. No pomp, no zing. This year, I wanted our Christmas to be different. I wanted to start a few new traditions. My husband and I discussed it and we both agreed that this year would be different. We started a new tradition this year by going and letting the kids pick out a live tree.
We wanted to make the evening a little extra special so we started off by taking the children to a local pizza place. Everyone in this family prefers the pepperoni pizza, but not me. I want mine loaded with EVERYTHING!
We made silly faces at each other until it was time to go.
The Christmas tree farm was a dazzle of lights and the fresh smell of spruce. Our daughter, Jade, said we needed a little tree like herself. Our son, Gabriel, said we needed the biggest tree the farm had… Regardless, the children had loads of fun running through the aisles of trees.
It took some time, but they finally found one they could both agree on….small enough for Jade and large enough for Gabriel.
While our tree was being cut, wrapped up and loaded onto our vehicle, we spent our time around the fire drinking hot apple cider. It was a lovely new tradition. I hope to repeat it next year.
Click HERE to to see our decorations and how we created a Harry Potter Christmas Tree!
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